Fukushima water disposal by no means Japan’s own business
By John Lee
(ECNS) -- Japan has announced it will release treated wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean this year.
Although Fukushima wastewater disposal affects global marine ecological environment protection and public health, Japan has turned a deaf ear to domestic and international opposition to dumping the contaminated water into the sea, treating the "global" matter as its own business.
The Fukushima accident in 2011 had sent large quantities of radiation into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean, causing irreversible damage to the surrounding environment, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to evacuate the area. South Korea still maintains its import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
On April 13, 2021, Japan announced it had decided to discharge contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture into the sea due to dwindling storage space, with the Japanese government and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. promoting the release plan over the past year.
The Japanese government argues that the water treated by an advanced liquid processing system, or ALPS, is safe and drinkable, which is undoubtedly fooling the public.
In fact, the treated wastewater still includes a variety of radioactive substances and can’t be recycled once discharged into the sea, which will pose a great threat to marine ecology and ultimately endanger human health in the long run.
Therefore, the discharge plan has been strongly opposed in Japan. According to a questionnaire conducted by The Asahi Shimbun, nearly 60 percent of mayors of 42 municipalities in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures oppose the discharge plan. The National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Japan has also repeatedly stated its opposition in public.
The Japanese government believes that dumping Fukushima wastewater into the sea is the cheapest and most convenient solution, but neighboring countries and even the whole world will be at risk of nuclear pollution.
The Pacific Ocean doesn’t belong to Japan and the wastewater flow along oceanic currents will surely break boundaries and endanger public welfare and the interests of neighboring countries and even the international community.
The Korea Economic Daily reported that related research concluded that if contaminated water from Fukushima is released into the ocean, it would only take seven months for the contaminated water to reach the shores of Jeju Island, with the country's aquaculture and tourism suffering considerable losses.
According to the calculation of a German marine scientific research institute, radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within half a year from the date of discharge, and the U.S. and Canada will be affected by nuclear pollution. People in the Pacific region also oppose the discharge plan.
As a participant of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Japan has the obligation of protecting the marine environment.
However, it hasn’t offered a full and convincing explanation on issues like the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of data on the nuclear-contaminated water, the efficacy of the treatment system or the uncertainty of environmental impact.
Though the IAEA has yet to complete a comprehensive review after three investigations in Japan, the Japanese side has been pushing through the approval process for its discharge plan and even started building facilities for the discharge. It is rather irresponsible for Japan to act against public opinion at home and concerns abroad.
The Pacific Ocean is not a private Japanese sewer. The country must seriously heed the voices of the international community and make a reasonable plan for the Fukushima wastewater disposal after full consultation with stakeholders and international agencies.
If it only seeks instant interest and insists on discharging the contaminated water into the sea, not only itself, but also its neighboring countries and the entire world will pay for the decision and several generations will be forced to bear the consequence.
【寻味中华】嗜葱山东人,凡美食处皆有葱香****** 中新社济南1月10日电 题:嗜葱山东人,凡美食处皆有葱香 作者 李明芮 吃葱,对山东人来说乃一幸事。在山东,从商超到市集,凡有美食处,皆葱香弥漫。 《后汉书》中记载,有人宴客“设麦饭葱叶之食”,客人拒吃,更置盛馔后乃食。想必其客不是山东人,待客之葱也不是章丘大葱,席上或许还缺了一盘蘸酱。 连续种植大葱30余年的王金村村民苗发勇,是当地颇具名气的葱农,曾培育出2.532米的“当代葱王”。梁犇 摄葱在人为,吃起葱来,也各有各法。蹲在街边,持一尺多长的大葱,蘸勺豆瓣酱,再裹张大煎饼,一口咬下……坐在店里,用乳白翠绿的葱丝,蘸上甜面酱,配着烤鸭薄饼,咬上一口,美哉妙哉…… 《管子》载:“桓公五年,北伐山戎,得冬葱与戎椒,布之天下。”而今,大葱之于山东人,就如辣椒之于四川人,是民众餐桌上的美味,更是舌尖上的“乡愁”。 诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言曾在给父亲的一封信中提到对山东大葱的思念,甚至还为大葱写了一首打油诗:“韭菜炉包肥肉丁,白面烙饼卷大葱。再加一碟豆瓣酱,想不快乐也不中。” 据明朝嘉靖九年《章丘县志》记载:“葱以产女郎山者为最”。作为“葱中之王”,章丘大葱堪称一绝,其核心产区在当地女郎山西麓乔家村、马家村、王金村等一带。连续种植大葱30余年的王金村村民苗发勇,是当地颇具名气的葱农,曾培育出2.532米的“当代葱王”。 苗发勇查看大葱长势。梁犇 摄“夏季多雨湿润,冬春季干旱的气候,最适于大葱生长发育。章丘大葱的灌溉水源是发源于百脉泉群的绣江河,水质清纯。”苗发勇告诉记者,章丘大葱宜生吃,甜、脆、嫩,葱白长,葱叶少。深开沟、高培土是保证高葱白的关键栽培措施,经多代提纯复壮获得的“大梧桐”等品种最佳。 “肤白貌美”的葱白、碧绿鲜嫩的葱叶,章丘大葱是嗜葱人口中不可多得的佳品。中国著名作家老舍在《济南的大葱》一文中说,“济南的葱白起码有三尺来长吧……鲜,白,带着滋养生命的乳浆!”葱白是一层层的,可以剥开,“看见这些纹儿,再看看馍馍,你非多吃半斤馍馍不可。人们常说——带着讽刺的意味——山东人吃的多,是不知葱之美者也!” 据《章丘县志》记载,“大明嘉靖九年庆,女郎仙葱登龙庭,万岁食之赞甜脆,葱中之王御旨封”。早在明嘉靖年间,大葱就从贫贱之食,成了贡品。时至今日,葱烧海参不仅上了国宴,大葱还成了伴手礼、国礼。 2014年,章丘大葱亮相亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十二次领导人非正式会议欢迎晚宴;2020年,章丘大葱以2.532米的长度获得“世界最长的葱”吉尼斯世界纪录。 葱油、葱酱、葱花蜂巢蜜……雅作俗时俗亦雅,如今在山东,万物皆可融“大葱”。大葱包容但不失个性,接地气但不失大气,够味儿、带劲儿。(完)